9 best natural oils to get rid of stretch marks

None of us are raving fans of those red and white masks which appear on our skin when we experience a change in body weight.


Stretch marks are narrow rugged stripes that appear on the surface of the skin typically because of stretching of the skin, which is most likely happen during pregnancy.

Common areas of getting stretch marks post pregnancy are abdomen, hips or thighs and the skin around naval area.

While surgically removing stretch marks might get too heavy on your pocket, here are some essential oils which can help in healing stretch marks:

1. Helychrysum oil
Commonly called everlasting oil, helychrysum is extracted from the silvery-green aromatic leaves of an evergreen plant. The oil smells like honey. It helps in improving the blood circulation, thereby recovering the skin damaged because of stretch marks.

2. Sage oil
Sage is one of the most effective oils that pregnant women can use. It is extracted from an evergreen perineal plant. The oil helps in stimulating blood flow and thus healing stretch marks.

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3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil helps in minimising stretch marks. Among its numerous health benefits, coconut oil is improves the body’s ability of skin elasticity, increases cell regeneration, and fights off infections. One can apply coconut oil directly on the stretch marks.

4. Gelatin
Being rich in collagen, gelatin is helpful in decreasing the risk of stretch marks and also reducing the ones the already exist.

5. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has various medicinal properties that can be helpful in reducing stretch marks and improving overall quality of skin. It is a natural moisturiser and is loaded with vitamins essential for the body. Make sure that the purest form of aloe vera is applied on stretch marks for effective results.

6. Lavender oil
When applied on the skin, lavender oil helps in rejuvenating and toning the skin. It is one of the most common ingredients used in making in making skin creams or stretch mark removal creams.

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7. Castor oil
Many skin conditions like wrinkles, acne and fine lines can be treated with castor oil. It is also known to be the best natural remedy for removal of stretch marks, according to Ayurveda and Homeopathy. One can mix castor oil with almond oil and apply directly on the stretch marks for effective results.

8. Cocoa butter and Vitamin E
100% pure cocoa butter mixed Vitamin E is another popular cure of stretch marks.

9. Rosehip oil
Rosehip oil is a non-greasy oil which comprises essential fatty acids that help in improving skin strength and elasticity. It is a good source of trans-retinoic acid, a natural form of vitamin A that encourages skin to regenerate faster.

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