Jay-Z Invests 61.6 Billion Naira Into Smart-Home Technology Company

Jay-Z Invests 61.6 Billion Naira Into Smart-Home Technology Company 1

Jay-Z invests 61.6 Billiona naira into smart-ho,e tcehnology company.

Jay-Z has reportedly invested $110 million into the smart-home device maker, Wyze Labs, through his firm Marcy Venture Partners, which he co-founded with Larry Marcus, and Jay Brown. The company specializes in products such as digital thermostats, security cameras, and vacuum robots.

The investment from the rap legend brings Wyze Labs’ total funding to $146 million to date. It was founded in 2017 by Amazon veterans and can now boasts about 300 employees.

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Jay-Z Invests 61.6 Billion Naira Into Smart-Home Technology Company 2

Wyze co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer Dave Crosby told GeekWire in a recent piece, We are doubling down and investing heavily to build world-class artificial intelligence into our camera products. Just in the last year, our AI team has built person detection, vehicle detection, package detection and pet detection into our cameras.

Right now we have AI features in the works that we truly think will be game-changing for any camera, let alone one that costs less than $36.

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